Sunday, August 23, 2009

Undi PAS = Undi DAP

As comparison, I am upset of what BN still using the old stupid tactics for the Permatang Pasir by-election campaign.
In Malay community, UMNO attacked PAS if Undi PAS=Undi DAP, as PAS had been so tolerate and listen to DAP which is anti-Islam.
On the other hand, Gerakan urged the Chinese voters not to vote PAS as PAS did not allow eating pork & drinking beers. Yes, this tactic might work in 1999 General Election. But, this to me looked stupid in the year of 2009.
OTK said LGE "get advice" from Anwar and his coalitions. What is wrong if the coalitions leaders argue and compromise about the issues appeared between the parties beliefs, as compared with Gerakan/MCA/MIC that only "obey instructions" given by UMNO.
I personally feel that this "divide and campaign" tactic would be less effective in this modern day as the multi-racial community had live and work together closer that ancient days.
We attended one the forums by the young Pakatan leaders at "Pentas Pemuda" during malam Ramadhan at Permatang Pasir. These future leaders of Malaysia, such as Samsul from PAS, Nik Azmi from PKR, Ng Swee Ling & Nga Kor Ming from DAP, etc that spoke the same philosophy of the new Malaysia, "Keadialan untuk Semua."
I think "Keadilan" is a good concept the the whole Malaysia should promote and encourage. This should more effective and less controversal in dealing with this multi-racial, multi-religions and multi-living styles country.
With the concept of "Keadilan", the leaders do not need to play "hide and seek" policies, do not appeal people's right based on race or religions and create unnecessary sensitive sentiments within the people.
In Malaysian, we should accept the fact that we could not ignore the existence of the new Malaysians that more understandings each other, accept and respect the differences between races and beliefs and wish to stay and work together to create a better Malaysia.
The next step is how to get all these philosophies and differences re-tuned to suit the whole Malaysian common wishes that could lead us to a better living place.
And, I believe, the coalitions that always shouting for rights based on race will be eventually dropped by the people.


Anonymous said...

The sooner majority of Malaysians if not all can think in term of nationality instead of race or religion of themselves, the better off we and the whole country will become, the brighter future the next generation will have in this land. It is up to all to vote out those race talking politicians from government, let them live in their cocoon n fantasy world.