Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Real MCA President

Everybody was so busy for the last few months.
OTK was busy, CSL was busy, MCA ministers wer busy, MCA central committee was busy, central delegates were busy, MCA outdated leaders were busy, MCA upcoming leaders were busy, reporters were busy, restaurants were busy, VCD sellers were busy, banner makers were busy, we "irrelevant Chinese busy body" were also busy, etc., etc. Everybody were so busy and rushing even the past president also fell down and broke his arm. Finally, everybody was just seemed "kay poh chi".
Many power camp also surface for the last few months. Ong gang, Chua gang, Liow gang, 3rd force gang, liow-kong combo team, Liow-Wee combo team, kong-ng combo team, etc.
And all MCA issues, moral issues, empty promises issues, who stab who's back, who jump camp, who signed the letter asking OTK to resign, OTK resign or not resign, EGM1, EGM2, etc, etc.
All settled in one day with peace plan initiated by the real "Power" or probably we should name it as "1 Power".
MCA should have called it in earlier.
You guess who is in "Power"?


romerz said...

Wrote something along the lines of your post. Hope you don't mind.