Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The "People" must be Crazy

Malaysia's "People" really like to quarrel. They quarrel over everything on the ground until the deep sea, and now they not even let go Gods in the paradise.

The High Court on Dec 31 allowed the Catholic publication Herald to use the word “Allah” in its weekly publication. This move has resulted in an uproar among some Muslims in the country, with some threatening to take their dissatisfaction to the streets this Friday. (according to their papers).

However, PAS had their meeting and agreed the use of "Allah" by the Catholic Herald based on the Islam Principe.

Yes, the God is not alone. They are many god(s) in the paradise. There are Christian God, Islam God, Indian God, Taoism God, Buddhism God, Jews God., etc and every one have their own names, called by their followers.
But did the Gods told us what their name? If not, why we quarrel over the Gods' names? We should actually learn to understand their teachings rather than their name.
The Gods must be in the paradise and lough at us:
" The People must be Crazy!"


Anonymous said...

The extremists are showcasing their stupidity again. They have no clue the word 'A' is just an Arabic word means 'G' in English. God is not laughing on the people, but wide spread idiocy in the bodohland land. hahahaha..

bow said...

The people are not crazy, but only some religious zealots need to have their heads examine thoroughly before their craziness run wild over a petty issue, it is mental retardation couple with insanity commonly associated with religious extremism and domination.