Thursday, September 4, 2008

"Boey Shi Wu Loh"

Penangkia always said:"Boey shi wu loh" (there will be a way to make it happen if someone going to die/have problem).
The crude oil price increased drastically since last Sept from about US75 to US135, forcing the Dolah government decided to increase the petrol price for 41% or 78sen to RM2.70/liter on 5 Jun. The decision worsen the confidence and anger of the people to the government, resulting a big defeat (one of the factors) in the Permatang Pauh by-election, despite of reducing 15 sen/liter just before the by-election.

Dramatically, the crude oil price continue to decrease after the by-election, causing the government plan to reduce petrol price further in short future.

Unfortunately the damage is huge and no anyway to rectify now.

This is the typical example of "boey shi wu loh".

There are more of these examples during the 308 and 826 election such as personal attacks, money distribution during campaign, get Lee Chong Wei and astronaught to campaign together, sodomy accuse, promises, etc.....that effectvely work for the past few elections were backfired these times.