Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Malaysia 51st Merdeka Day

Happy belated Hari Merdeka to Malaysia, celebrated its 51st Years Independence from British. The black & white photo was used again as for the last 51 years, the only symbolic of Malaysian Independence. No one seemed able to replace our Father of Independence in term of his achievement obtaining a peaceful independence from British together with the leaders from MCA and MIC. 6 years later, Malaysia was formed comprising the Sabah, Sarawak & Singapore (Singapore left 1965) on 16th September, 1963, postponed from original date, 31/8/1963 due to disagreement from Indonesia & Singapore. (Thus, let the smart leaders to decide for us which is the more appropriate day to celebrate our Merdeka) And now, this guy certainly could not replace the role of Tengku. However, he provides a different definition of "Merdeka", which may probably give the whole Malaysian a new thinker. "Merdeka" from those deviations of original new country principles when we Malaysia was formed. Thus, one of the wishes for this year Merdeka Day - This guy can do it! Just for reminder, this year's Merdeka slogan is "Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan" and the logo is as the above. Certainly, Perpaduan shall mean comprising Sabah & Sarawak. Perpaduan shall also mean comprising Malays, Chinese, Indian, Iban, Kadazan, etc.... And aslo, Perpaduan means Orang Kaya and Orang Miskin, Bandar and Kampung, Laki and Perempuan, etc.....