Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Things Not Allowed To Do Recently

Latest Warning.
From this morning and tonight's arrests.
All Malaysian should aware that there are some new restrictions implemented widely and frequently by Police. More than 160 people were arrested for the past few weeks. Fortunately, they were released after a short detention.
Malaysian are not allowed to carry out the following activities:
a) to wear black even your feng shui master said this is your lucky colour
b) to light up candles even though there is electricity breakdown
c) to get-together to celebrate birthday or whatever celebration on the street
d) to go near (not even passing-by) DAP/PKR/PAS office in any places in Malaysia
e) to get into Perak DUN assembly hall area within 500m
f) to ask "nombor ekor" from Democratic Tree
g) to practice hunger/fasting even just to reduce weight
h) to show PR version's VCD about 507 assembly but it is ok with BN version
i) to erect tents even if you have private functions
j) to work as tents installer
k) to work as opposition leader's drivers
Luckily, we are still allowed to access to internet.


romerz said...

Does the law know the law?

Anonymous said...

真是"送走昏君, 引来暴君"