Sunday, December 20, 2009

Good Luck to the Earth

I attended an intensive course and sitting for an examination to become the facilitator for the GBI or Green Building Index in last couple of weeks.
The GBI is basically aiming to design a low thermal transfer building, to plan a self sustainable and maintain with high energy efficiency in building operation. The course gave us an awareness and hope that we are in building services industry could contribute as much as we can in reducing the global warming.
We must practice environmental friendly life like reduce wastage, "reuse, reduce and recycle" resources that shortage in this world. In fact, we are consuming resources more than the world could produce yearly, this also means that the ecology or sustainability chain had been broken.
However, the efforts to reduce global warming could not depend only the small group of the normal people but the leaders of the countries especially those developed countries like USA, European & Japan and also the major developing countries like China and India as these countries "contribute" most carbon footprint.
These leaders need to take drastic steps and initiatives to reduce the carbon produced from the countries.
Unfortunately, the Copenhagen Talk which also considered as the "last opportunity of mankind to reduce global warming" end with bare minimum agreements as every countries were self protective and hoping others to do the works for them.
The earth is in fact has on the track of no return of temperature rise more than 2 degree Celsius and the effects are serious to our livelihood.
Good luck to the earth.


romerz said...

And we worry about stupid race differences when our "home" is in trouble!!!

Anonymous said...

It's all resulted from mankind's greed, hatred and illusion! Rgd, Yong

Anonymous said...

When big countries like China, USA India and Russia are acting indifferent to their annual greenhouse gases emission adverse effect to the drastic climate changes on earth and refuse to voluntarily stop their irresponsible acts, nothing much small country like Malaysia can do to reverse the global warming trend caused by these evil doers.

Unknown said...

Good luck in our exam results...hahaha - tang