Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wish Him Good Luck

Strange. Tan Tee Beng is the only MP/ADUN that we knew each other in this country and he could still recognise me when we met. We played a few sessions of badminton many years ago when he was just defeated in the election.
I was happy when he was elected as MP represented PKR and not the other side. However, it is unfortuanate that he could not get along with the coalitions and choose to quit. However, I am also sad that he could not look at a bigger pictures that we are going to replace the race-based parties.
I might not agreed the reasons that he gave and the way he find excuses.
I am not close enough with him to know the real reasons. However, as a friend, we could only wish him a very good luck as so called "Independent MP."


Anonymous said...

Too many Chinese can't see beyond race base politic in Malaysia, new generation of non bumi- Malaysians will kick these people out of political stage back to China if they still consider themselves as 'Chinese' and refuse to accept Pakatan Rayrat (PR)coalition as only viable solution for the future of our country. Non bumi are fed up with all these racist politicians from outside...