Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Memorable 308

308 is a memorable day for penang people and also all malaysian.
It may be too late to talk about how important and how exciting this date to penangites. I delay my launching of my blog till today as i am waiting for another memorable day for me. Today is my birthday.
I was born 20 days after another memorable day for all malaysian, 513 in 1969. Penangites bravely made the "CHANGE" in that election and unfortunately caused the tragedy that made malaysian a nightmares for 39 years.
I did not need to wait any longer as i predicted earlier . We did not disappoint our penangites in the last generation, we made the "CHANGE" again this time.
I was one of the RED DOT in front of stage among the 60,000 crowd. Before this, I attended all ceramah around penang held by opposition parties including Padang Tembak, Jalan Telekom, Batu Maung, Teluk Kumbar, etc. To be fair to BN, I also attended the biggest BN Variety Show cum Ceramah at Padang Tembak. Sad to say that, the leaders talked like opposition used to talk in the old days. Critics, critics, critics, personal attack, personal attack..............
You may wonder why all these penangites who normally "boh chap wa eh shu" (not my business) did not ran away under heavy rain. Most of us have no political background & no political interest, simply felt that we need a change this time.
There are so many factors that we need change which I do not need to elaborate here again.
I am just here to mark this date as Memorable Day and lastly, happy birthday to me.


Cheong Tatt 昌达 said...

Yup, this has to be one of the most significant change in our first half of life. It has been quite positive - and hope it will stay positive.

Anonymous said...

...i was also a little red dot there and proud enough to be one of the little red dot in shaping our penang's future...To Ah Beng, i salute you for being brave enough to make your stand public and as people may say, penangnites are 'kiasu ' but together we have proved penangnites are not 'kiasi'...Penang leads again !!!!!!