DSAI, particularly his political policies approach, had managed to attract the multi-racial Malaysian gathered in the same field, listen to his agenda to re-build the New Malaysia. Do not need to repeat his speech as you may able to listen it everywhere.
However, the sense of hopes and supports had never happened for long time in Malaysia. And we may agreed that the multi ethnics had never been so close & friendly chit-chatting about the "susah cari makan", " Chong Wei should win", etc.
Random chit-chat with one of the Malay pak cik standing beside me. He said:"akbar cakap banyak terhadap dia, baik kita datang sendiri dan dengar apakah sebenarnya berlaku?" I think the old tactics can't work efficiently nowadays.
Not because of DSAI, but i think his political approach that attract the supports. If he go back the track as BN did, i think he will also be kicked out by the PEOPLE. The PEOPLE realise and just want to show that only they will decide who is going to lead the country.
Despite the heavy rains, we bacame the RED DOT again after 306 in Han Chiang and delivered our supports to him, and now he will decide his journey of his history.......
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