Thursday, August 21, 2008

Penang Head-to-Head Debate

Syabas Agenda Daily again successfully organised the debate between the 2 head-to-head of Penang, the current & former Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng and Koh Tsu Koon on the hottest topic in town recently, the land controversial. Also thanks the 2 participants for their courage to face the public.
The nature of debate will usually do not end with truth or results agreed by both parties. One reason is due to the time constraint, but specifically its debate topic, each side has their own facts they believe in. Thus, the viewers will be the only judges, viewing from their languages, the way they present their points, their ad-hoc response to the questions, etc.
LGE, using his more lively baba style Bahasa, in more forcefully way asking KTK to explain how many land scam cases and the amount involved under BN government, why the officers involved are not been punished and what the steps taken to prevent these cases to reoccur.
KTK managed to present his facts with gentle and smooth style, Bahasa in academician way and stood his facts firmly. He claimed that the case is now in court case procedures and there are no intention of crime as investigated by BPR.
KTK shown an unusual tough and loud reaction when response to LGE attacks. We wish he could keep the way like this when he face his BN chief and even the son in law, when cases like accusing about the marginalisation happened.
My friends felt that KTK "check & shoot" seldom happen in Malaysia, what is normally practice is "No check & No Shoot" by the previous goverment.
The debate itself is the winner and this should continue................