Monday, February 9, 2009

2 by-elections in 1 day

Today is another record for politics in Malaysia. 2 by-elections were generated within the next 60 days.
YB Roslan Shaharum, the PAS MP for Bukit Gantang, Perak died of heart attack this morning (condolences). In another PR state, Kedah, PKR MP V. Arumugam resigned as ADUN for BukitSelambau following the linking to him a "marriage scandal". He was said that under a lot of pressure to defect and threaten to him and his family.
(Bukit Gantang Parlimentary seat, consists of 3 DUN seat, namely Kuala Sepetang (PKR), TrongUMNO) & Changkat Jering (Mohd Osman, PKR hopped to Independent-favour BN last week). Roslan had polled 20,015 votes, won UMNO candidate 18,449 votes and Independent who had polled 872 votes. Majority 1,566. Bukit Gantang is a Malay majority (63%), Chinese (27%) and Indian (10%), a reflection of Malaysia population ratio.
as Bukit Selambau, total voters 34,997. Malay (50%), Chinese (20%) and Indian (30%). ArumugamIndependent won 2415 votes majority last March.
Life is really beyond all human expectation. We hokkien lang always said:"People are doing, Sky is looking" (人在做,天在看). While Perak fiasco still on fire and unsolved, an unexpected by-election was generated directly at the war field.
Who do not want the by-election? The answer is obviously our PM-to be. When he is ready to carry the victory in Perak into UMN assembly to be held next month, an unexpected by-election force to get into the battle field again. "Najib thought lost to Sky thought" (纳吉算不如天算).
PR may lose one Parliamentary seat but this by-election may be their opportunity to show their supports to HRH and BN that they are more popular in the state.
Someone proposed Nizar vs Zamry, sound interesting.