Friday, April 2, 2010


(picture source -
When the DPM Muhyiddin said 1 Malaysia means "Malay 1, Malaysian 2", we can understand that he might have confused about the concept of 1-Malaysia.
But when PM Najib, the father of 1 Malaysia said there is nothing wrong with "Malay 1, Malaysian 2", now our turn to get confuse, it seemed like it is us the Rakyat that do not understand the concept of 1 Malaysia.
If follow this logic, all different races should think this way:
Chinese 1, Malaysian 2.
Indian 1, Malaysian 2.
Kadazan 1, Malaysian 2, etc..
Then we should called 2-Malaysia instead of 1-Malaysia.
What a joke in this April Fool Day.
Seemed like we are the fool that still trust them.


Anonymous said...

Chinese and Indian refer to nationality, not race or racial background, dude.....what is all these 1 Chinese , 1 Indian , 2 Malaysian, some sorts of "sandiwara" or comedy shows on display in blog sphere, no wonder every intelligent person is confused now..... ....hahahaha...

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous, if you don't know how to differentiate nationality and race, blame yourself! If you don't have the sense of humour, blame yourself! whether you are intelligent or not, only god know!

Anonymous said...

Go back to school and study some English...dimwit!

Anonymous said...

Gp back to school and study English, not Ma-lish or Chi-lish. Dimwit....