Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Gobind in Suspension for 1 Year

My friend said he felt the sky is dark today upon the news of Gobind suspension today. He was not allowed to defence even we have so many opposition MPs in the House. They did not respect the House.
Yup, the sky is always dark recently and will be darker.
the Malaysian Insiders reported that BN leaders in supporting of Gobind's suspension. Certainly, they will support, they have to support, what choice they have? They are the gang in the third world Parliament, following the third rate speaker.
Gobind's allegation may be serious, but what about the publication in the Liberation French newspaper that Gobind based on. Did our Malaysia "want face" country do anything against them. We should sue them until they take off their pants.
Remember about Lee Kuan Yew, ever Malaya’s biggest fan, described Johor as “notorious for shootings, muggings and carjackings,” as readable in Asiaweek. He got blasted for that statement of course, and quickly apologized.
So, the bolehland leaders, please do it also to Liberation French newspaper.