Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pity to new PM

A little bit "pity" to our PM-to-be recently. He is going to be promoted the highest post in Malaysia but seems like more criticise, doubtful & uncertainties than welcoming on the ground.
Pity No. 1 - Recently, He works so hard as PM, DPM, Finance Minister, party chairman, even as Perak MB but only get DPM & Finance Minister salary.
Pity No. 2 - His boss, the current PM promised to promote him as new PM very "soon", but deny to give the exact date. This made him very worry as even a cleaner in the government office will be informed exactly when they will be transferred at least 1 month ago. But, the highest post in the government is not.
Pity No. 3 - His ex-boss, the other old man, TDM did not seems support him fully. He commented that he still did not shine and advise him to set up a CLEAN cabinet. This gave NR a difficulties of how to choose those CLEAN or even LOOK CLEAN leaders from the current team. And for sure, our old man will not stop "memberi teguran" to new government.
Pity No. 3 - His party veteran member, Ku Li advised the rejected candidate, Ali Rustam to appeal to Registrar or Societies to retain his right fort the contest or even barred the party contest.
Pity No. 4 - His ex-colleague, Datuk Zaid appealed to DYMM not to appoint NR to be the next PM due to so many un-answered doubts.
Pity No. 5 - The veteran opposition leader, Lim Kit Siang certainly did not give him having a good sleep. He asked today that the Parliament should be extended for another week to debate on the motion of confidence for the new PM.
Pity No. 6 - The Public. This is the most important criteria to be the new PM for all Malaysian. Despite of his valuable 40 years experience in the government service, majority of the public did not show their welcome sentimental for this new PM as compared with previous ones. Probably he is too long in the top ranks in the cabinet making most of the people feel no excitements and hopes that he could bring anything new for us to move forward. Instead, he carried too much bad burdens with him to this highest post.
Pity No. 6 - Even the one who could not die in peace causing some nightmares sometimes.
Certainly, If he successfully get through these pityness, he will definitely passing these pities to others...