Tuesday, June 30, 2009

People have Rights but they are not always Right

From the recent Kampung Buah Pala and Chinese Temple issues.
People now know more about their rights and dare to fight for their rights to the higher authorities. This is a good and healthy development in the process of democracy.
In the same time, as Pro-People based government, all these fights of rights should be allowed and welcomed. Peoples should be allowed to demonstrate or expression their views, their stands and their proposals to solve certain issues faced by the People.
The government should be open minded, transparent and responsible to investigate to find the best & fair solution to solve the issues.
However, the people must understand that the solutions may not satisfy completely what they fight for as the decision authorities may consider other aspects that may not been taken care by this group of people.
More importantly, the responsible government should not against the rules by abusing their power of governance. The government is not allowed to overrule certain regulations that provide guidance in the public administration and stability of the society. If abuse of power happen, what is the different between this government and earlier government.
Not all solutions that would satisfy all parties. The People should not threaten with their votes to the government to fulfill their wishes, if these wishes are irrational or against the law.
The government instead should not abuse their power over the rules just to satisfy the people that will vote them.
The People have Rights but they are not always Right.
That is why we use our right to select a smart, responsible & transparent government to help the people to do the right things.
We will also no hesitate to change the government if they have no longer able to protect the interest of the People.


grayquill said...

People have rights but they are not always right. A famous quote states, "For the lack of knowledge the people perish" Information can help people understand their rights and be right. I have found people in my country toss simple answers out to complex problems. those almost never work.
Good post!

Anonymous said...

Right to peaceful assembly and petition to your government is part of democratic system. No one is above the rule of law.